Transforming Lives Through Capacity Building, Personal Mentoring and Community-Oriented Programs.

Transformation Centre- Our Mandate

Our Mandate

The mandate of the Transformation Christian Centre (TCC) also includes encouraging sustainable programs that foster skill development in the Black and visible minority communities through local networking and the building of community support systems. 

As an organization, TCC provides training through Christian counselling and practical demonstration of the teachings of our Lord to members of the community. 

Transformation Centre - transferring of knowledge

Facilitate the transfer of knowledge

Transformation Centre - Preservation of cultural knowledge

Preservation of cultural knowledge

Transformation Centre - Fostering social interactions

Foster social interactions

Transfer of knowledge

Transfer of knowledge


Dedicated To Transformational Discipleship

The mandate of the Transformation Christian Centre (TCC) also includes encouraging sustainable programs that foster skill development in the Black and visible minority communities through local networking and the building of community support systems. 

As an organization, TCC provides training through Christian counselling and practical demonstration of the teachings of our Lord to members of the community. 

Transformation Centre - Transformational Discipleship
Our Ultimate Inheritance

Our Ultimate Inheritance

As we move from exploring the Legality of Our Inheritance, we will consider what our Ultimate Inheritance is.
Most people count inheritance mainly from the visible and tangible realities, but the real inheritance of believers resides in us in the person of Jesus Christ. 

No one knew the Father until Jesus introduced Him; no one knew Jesus  until the Father had introduced Him.

The greatest gift one can receive  from God is the revelation of the Person of the resurrected and  victorious Jesus Christ in him. Once the King of kings becomes real to  you, nothing on this earth can stand you again! 

Living A Purposeful Life

At TCC we believe that each day is a gift from God that must be lived for His glory and honour. Living a life of purpose requires us to recognize the little blessings that surround us and be grateful for them.

The air we breathe, the water we drink, the peace we enjoy, the family that we love and celebrate and the community we find ourselves in are all part of God’s immeasurable blessings upon us regardless of the condition of our heart towards Him.
God’s love transcends all challenges and oppositions we may face.
This is why at TCC we believe that every life is precious and must be preserved.

Living A Purposeful Life

Our Leadership

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