Transforming Lives, Discipling the Nations!

TCC International is a multi-faceted organisation focused on empowering communities, offering Personal Mentoring, Professional Christian counselling, Family Life Education, Wellness Education, Food Security and Market-Place Ministries! 

The mandate of the Transformation
Christian Centre (TCC)

We believe that by building capacity, providing personal mentoring and community-oriented programs we are
able to help transform lives.

Facilitate the transfer of knowledge

 Help facilitate the transfer of knowledge that build careers and contributes to better social justice outcomes and improved relationships in our communities.

Preservation of cultural knowledge

To promote the preservation of cultural knowledge/history through cultural teaching, including extracurricular learning activities for vulnerable students, youths and members of the community.

Foster social interactions

Collaborating with government departments and agencies, and public and private organizations to help reduce the number of socially vulnerable immigrant youths facing social and cultural shocks.

Transfer of knowledge

To help facilitate the transfer of knowledge to immigrant youths and young adults by establishing and operating a small, medium enterprise (SME), linking them with small grants and loans, and gaining the trust of financial institutions.


Most Popular at Transformation Centre

Promoting Safe Communities

Promoting Safe Communities

TCC International is a multi-faceted organisation focused on empowering communities, offering Personal Mentoring, Professional Christian counselling, Family Life Education, Wellness Education, Food Security and Market-Place Ministries! 

Youth Camps

Our regular youth camps offer young people the opportunity to receive life coaching and career counselling they need to navigate life successfully

Youth Camps

Extracurricular Activities

Taking kids through structured extracurricular programs and activities helps to reinforce humility, civility, tolerance and life skills they need to succeed in the future

Extracurricular Activities

Our Approach

Investing in the lives of children, teenagers and youth drives most of our activities

Mentoring and Worship

Our goal is to become a family of believers and faithful community members helping the most vulnerable experience peace, hope and unconditional love.

Community of Faith

Together with love, respect and tolerance, we are able to build a diverse community of faith

Make an Impact

Friendly Interactions

Friendly Interactions

Celebrations and moments of friendly interactions enhance the emotional health of kids in our community


Older Youths are equipped to mentor younger kids


Parents Support

Parents are an integral part of training and mentoring the youth and kids in our community

Parents Support


Blog & Updates

Community Resources

Youth Empowerment

Equipping the Future Generation

Empowering the Youth by providing an opportunity for them to receive counselling and career guidance have helped to protect so many young people in our community from stepping into risky livestyles and becoming victimes of drug abuse and homeleness.

Family / Relationship Therapy

Family / Relationship Therapy

Healing Marriages and Restoring Families

The family is the foundation of the society and marriage is the anchor that holds families together. At TCC we have several testimonies of troubled marriages and relationships that have been revived and peace and love restored.

Community Resource Centre

Community Resource Centre

Capacity Building and Consultancy

TCC offers community empowerment by providing the necessary resources relevant in shaping our community towards becoming a healthy growing one. TCC Team work hard to ensure that those who come to us for assistance receive it with love and acceptance.

Become a part of our community

We are a community of believers that love our neighbours as they should be loved bearing in mind that they are created in the image of God and His likeness.
We love everyone because God loves us. We celebrate everyone because no one is a product of a biological accident.

We strongly believe that given the condition and support, any life can be transformed and propelled to success. Never forget this: you are valuable to God!

About TCC

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